I created this Blog to register my own progress during the Game Development - Advanced Programming course at Fanshawe College, Canada - and also to serve as reference for me on important subjects in the future.
Although a personal record, you may find the subjects discussed here very useful if you are also interested in Game Programming too.

The Stanford Bunny

Today we got to draw something different than a simple rotating triangle. We draw a rotating bunny! It didn't even looked like a bunny though, just a random number of lines from points to points that I supposed were once vertices of the bunny model, but it is very hard... [Read More]
Tags: Computer Graphics, OpenGL

My First OpenGL

Well, we have to start Graphics Programming somewhere and it seems that we got the most simple example at class today, this triangle. The real thing was more exiting though. It was rotating... The code used to build that triangle was basically taken from the internet, but the problem is... [Read More]
Tags: Game Graphics, OpenGL