
Hi, my name is Jorge Amengol. I’m a Computer Scientist and Aviation enthusiast.

Computers and the love for flying has motived most of the things I have accomplished in life, like becoming a Software Engineer, a Graphics Programmer, a Flight Simulator Scenery Developer and even a Pilot.

I created this Blog to register my own progress during the Game Development - Advanced Game Programming course at Fanshawe College, Canada - and also to serve as reference for me on important subjects in the future.

It was an amazing journey and I’m still impressed by the number of things I’ve learned and achieve during that course and how I manage to produce a Game Engine by the end of it.

After that and for my surprise I’ve receive a job offer to work as a Software Engineer developing code for an Aerospatial Company to work with an aviation software and I’ve been doing that since then, which has been an amazing experience by the way as I’ve got to do everything I’m passionate about in the same place.

Please take a look at my Portfolio for all relevant projects I developed during the Fanshawe Course. And please feel free to connect with me with me through my LinkedIn:

Jorge Amengol.