I created this Blog to register my own progress during the Game Development - Advanced Programming course at Fanshawe College, Canada - and also to serve as reference for me on important subjects in the future.
Although a personal record, you may find the subjects discussed here very useful if you are also interested in Game Programming too.

Fanshawe's Game Jam - Part2

The Final Project

In the last topic we talked about some Technical Aspects of my Game Jam as well as several things involved in the developing process of the final demo. Before we continue to the next “technical thing” listed in my presentation, I want to share a little bit more about the... [Read More]
Tags: Animation Programming, Graphics Programming, OpenGL, Game Physics

Fanshawe's Game Jam - Part1

The Final Project

The biggest challenge in the GDP course is no doubt the Fanshawe’s Game Jam. This event is at the same time a final evaluation, a kind of a competition and a self-presentation to the Game Industry of what us, as Game Programmers, have to offer to the market and to... [Read More]
Tags: Animation Programming, Graphics Programming, OpenGL, Game Physics

Skinned Mesh Animations in the Vertex Shader

The overall idea

In class we have implemented a full skinned mesh animation using Assimp. There are some thorough tutorials on the Internet about this, but here I will try to summarize only the Vertex Shader part of the process, as the solution to pass all the transformation may vary a lot in... [Read More]
Tags: Animation Programming, Graphics Programming, OpenGL

Skinned Mesh Animations

We're finally here

This course has been a long and demanding journey, but we are finally coming to a topic that I have been waiting since the beginning. In fact, this topic drove me to this program at the first place, as I have a background in character animations. The interesting thing with... [Read More]
Tags: Animation Programming, Graphics Programming, Computer Physics, OpenGL

Loading more than PLY files

The Assimp Loader

We've been playing around with PLY files for so long now that it just became natural for us to show at a PLY file and say exactly what is going to be rendered at the screen. Ok, not that much though, but they are so easy to read that I'm... [Read More]
Tags: Computer Physics, OpenGL, Assimp