Hi, I’m Jorge Amengol, a fresh graduate student of the Game Development - Advanced Programming course at Fanshawe College, Canada. I started this series of posts to register my own progress throughout the program and also serve as a reference for me on important subjects in the future. Though it is a personal record, you might find the subjects discussed here useful. Feel free to make comments at the end of each post.
My First OpenGL - A triangle
Well, we have to start Graphics Programming somewhere and it seems that we got the most simple example at class today: this triangle:
The real thing was more exiting though. It was rotating…
The code used to build that triangle was basically taken from here
The problem is that there is so much concepts and OpenGL API calls to draw that simple thing that I almost regret doing this course. Why don’t we have a simple draw rotating multicolor triangle
there? :D
It seems though, once we master the basics concepts, we can draw whatever we want and not just basic geometry.
I can’t wait!
Jorge Amengol.